Turbo Blowers

Haus® Turbo Blower is an advanced, high-speed compressor featuring magnetic bearings and permanent magnet technology, setting a new standard in the industry. It is widely utilized in wastewater treatment plant ventilation systems and various processes requiring aeration. The magnetic bearing system is made by magnets placed in radial and axial position, connected with a electronic controller which distribute the power and read the field data and auxiliary bearing for resting position.

Working Principle:

HAUS Turbo Blowers operate as single-stage centrifugal compressors utilizing variable speed drive and magnetic bearing technology. Here’s how they function:

  1. Air Intake and Filtration: Air is drawn from the environment or a designated pipe, then filtered to remove impurities.
  2. Compression Process: The filtered air enters the centrifugal compressor where it encounters high-speed rotation and a specialized compressor shape. This combination compresses the air and increases its pressure.
  3. Air Discharge: The compressed air is discharged through a blower air diffuser, typically known as the Discharging Cone, into the user pipe.
  4. Technology Enhancements: The use of magnetic bearings and a variable speed motor enables the compressor to operate at very high speeds, achieving exceptional performance. Advanced control equipment ensures reliability, flexibility and enhances the overall competitiveness of this solution.

This straightforward yet efficient system leverages high-speed rotation and advanced technology to deliver reliable and high-performance air compression suitable for a wide range of applications, including wastewater treatment plant ventilation and aeration processes.